Source code for periphery.pwm

import errno
import os
import time

[docs]class PWMError(IOError): """Base class for PWM errors.""" pass
[docs]class PWM(object): # Number of retries to check for successful PWM export on open _PWM_STAT_RETRIES = 10 # Delay between check for scucessful PWM export on open (100ms) _PWM_STAT_DELAY = 0.1 def __init__(self, chip, channel): """Instantiate a PWM object and open the sysfs PWM corresponding to the specified chip and channel. Args: chip (int): PWM chip number. channel (int): PWM channel number. Returns: PWM: PWM object. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if `chip` or `channel` types are invalid. LookupError: if PWM chip does not exist. TimeoutError: if waiting for PWM export times out. """ self._chip = None self._channel = None self._path = None self._period_ns = None self._open(chip, channel) def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, value, traceback): self.close() def _open(self, chip, channel): if not isinstance(chip, int): raise TypeError("Invalid chip type, should be integer.") if not isinstance(channel, int): raise TypeError("Invalid channel type, should be integer.") chip_path = "/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip{}".format(chip) channel_path = "/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip{}/pwm{}".format(chip, channel) if not os.path.isdir(chip_path): raise LookupError("Opening PWM: PWM chip {} not found.".format(chip)) if not os.path.isdir(channel_path): # Export the PWM try: with open(os.path.join(chip_path, "export"), "w") as f_export: f_export.write("{:d}\n".format(channel)) except IOError as e: raise PWMError(e.errno, "Exporting PWM channel: " + e.strerror) # Loop until PWM is exported exported = False for i in range(PWM._PWM_STAT_RETRIES): if os.path.isdir(channel_path): exported = True break time.sleep(PWM._PWM_STAT_DELAY) if not exported: raise TimeoutError("Exporting PWM: waiting for \"{:s}\" timed out".format(channel_path)) # Loop until period is writable. This could take some time after # export as application of udev rules after export is asynchronous. for i in range(PWM._PWM_STAT_RETRIES): try: with open(os.path.join(channel_path, "period"), 'w'): break except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.EACCES or (e.errno == errno.EACCES and i == PWM._PWM_STAT_RETRIES - 1): raise PWMError(e.errno, "Opening PWM period: " + e.strerror) time.sleep(PWM._PWM_STAT_DELAY) self._chip = chip self._channel = channel self._path = channel_path # Cache the period for fast duty cycle updates self._period_ns = self._get_period_ns()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the PWM.""" if self._channel is not None: # Unexport the PWM channel try: unexport_fd ="/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip{}/unexport".format(self._chip), os.O_WRONLY) os.write(unexport_fd, "{:d}\n".format(self._channel).encode()) os.close(unexport_fd) except OSError as e: raise PWMError(e.errno, "Unexporting PWM: " + e.strerror) self._chip = None self._channel = None
def _write_channel_attr(self, attr, value): with open(os.path.join(self._path, attr), 'w') as f_attr: f_attr.write(value + "\n") def _read_channel_attr(self, attr): with open(os.path.join(self._path, attr), 'r') as f_attr: return # Methods
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable the PWM output.""" self.enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the PWM output.""" self.enabled = False
# Immutable properties @property def devpath(self): """Get the device path of the underlying sysfs PWM device. :type: str """ return self._path @property def chip(self): """Get the PWM chip number. :type: int """ return self._chip @property def channel(self): """Get the PWM channel number. :type: int """ return self._channel # Mutable properties def _get_period_ns(self): period_ns_str = self._read_channel_attr("period") try: period_ns = int(period_ns_str) except ValueError: raise PWMError(None, "Unknown period value: \"{:s}\"".format(period_ns_str)) # Update our cached period self._period_ns = period_ns return period_ns def _set_period_ns(self, period_ns): if not isinstance(period_ns, int): raise TypeError("Invalid period type, should be int.") self._write_channel_attr("period", str(period_ns)) # Update our cached period self._period_ns = period_ns period_ns = property(_get_period_ns, _set_period_ns) """Get or set the PWM's output period in nanoseconds. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not int. :type: int """ def _get_duty_cycle_ns(self): duty_cycle_ns_str = self._read_channel_attr("duty_cycle") try: duty_cycle_ns = int(duty_cycle_ns_str) except ValueError: raise PWMError(None, "Unknown duty cycle value: \"{:s}\"".format(duty_cycle_ns_str)) return duty_cycle_ns def _set_duty_cycle_ns(self, duty_cycle_ns): if not isinstance(duty_cycle_ns, int): raise TypeError("Invalid duty cycle type, should be int.") self._write_channel_attr("duty_cycle", str(duty_cycle_ns)) duty_cycle_ns = property(_get_duty_cycle_ns, _set_duty_cycle_ns) """Get or set the PWM's output duty cycle in nanoseconds. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not int. :type: int """ def _get_period(self): return float(self.period_ns) / 1e9 def _set_period(self, period): if not isinstance(period, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Invalid period type, should be int or float.") # Convert period from seconds to integer nanoseconds self.period_ns = int(period * 1e9) period = property(_get_period, _set_period) """Get or set the PWM's output period in seconds. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not int or float. :type: int, float """ def _get_duty_cycle(self): return float(self.duty_cycle_ns) / self._period_ns def _set_duty_cycle(self, duty_cycle): if not isinstance(duty_cycle, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Invalid duty cycle type, should be int or float.") elif not 0.0 <= duty_cycle <= 1.0: raise ValueError("Invalid duty cycle value, should be between 0.0 and 1.0.") # Convert duty cycle from ratio to nanoseconds self.duty_cycle_ns = int(duty_cycle * self._period_ns) duty_cycle = property(_get_duty_cycle, _set_duty_cycle) """Get or set the PWM's output duty cycle as a ratio from 0.0 to 1.0. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not int or float. ValueError: if value is out of bounds of 0.0 to 1.0. :type: int, float """ def _get_frequency(self): return 1.0 / self.period def _set_frequency(self, frequency): if not isinstance(frequency, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Invalid frequency type, should be int or float.") self.period = 1.0 / frequency frequency = property(_get_frequency, _set_frequency) """Get or set the PWM's output frequency in Hertz. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not int or float. :type: int, float """ def _get_polarity(self): return self._read_channel_attr("polarity") def _set_polarity(self, polarity): if not isinstance(polarity, str): raise TypeError("Invalid polarity type, should be str.") elif polarity.lower() not in ["normal", "inversed"]: raise ValueError("Invalid polarity, can be: \"normal\" or \"inversed\".") self._write_channel_attr("polarity", polarity.lower()) polarity = property(_get_polarity, _set_polarity) """Get or set the PWM's output polarity. Can be "normal" or "inversed". Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not str. ValueError: if value is invalid. :type: str """ def _get_enabled(self): enabled = self._read_channel_attr("enable") if enabled == "1": return True elif enabled == "0": return False raise PWMError(None, "Unknown enabled value: \"{:s}\"".format(enabled)) def _set_enabled(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("Invalid enabled type, should be bool.") self._write_channel_attr("enable", "1" if value else "0") enabled = property(_get_enabled, _set_enabled) """Get or set the PWM's output enabled state. Raises: PWMError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if value type is not bool. :type: bool """ # String representation def __str__(self): return "PWM {:d}, chip {:d} (period={:f} sec, duty_cycle={:f}%, polarity={:s}, enabled={:s})" \ .format(self._channel, self._chip, self.period, self.duty_cycle * 100, self.polarity, str(self.enabled))